
Intertrigo is the breakout of the two skin sufaces rubbed together and these are more likely in inner thighs, breasts, groin or underarms.

It may begin to infect if bacteria and yeast grow. Anyone who has urinary incontinence and those who perspire heavily especially overweight men and women will be primarily affected.

Consider these for intertrigo treatment:

  • Make sure to keep skin surface dry, clean and friction-free. Use only natural and chemical-free soaps and other products.
  • Apply starch to add dryness. Never use talcum (baby) power.
  • Enhance your diet and your general health. Advisable to eat garlic products and acidophilus.
  • Avoid sugar and refined foods because they nourish bacteria.
  • Wear loose and all cotton clothing and make sure it is not rubbing the skin.
  • Avoid sitting in one position for too long.
  • To soothes the skin, helps healing and fights bacteria, chamomile is a helpful herb. Chamomile tea, aloe vera gel and the tea tree oil will help the skin heal rapidly.
