8 Tips To Influenza "FLU" Treatment

1. Eat nutritious food to help build resistance.

2. Thoroughly wash hand before and after eating and coming from the comfort room. Own handkerchief and toiletries can be used.

3. Stay away or avoid from public or people who heedlessly cough or sneeze.

4. Warding off stress and chilling.

5. Once you have flu, drink plenty of water, especially citrus and have a rest.

6. Visit your doctor once you experience aches, pains in limbs and back or fever.

7. Lower down your body temperature through sponge bath.

8. Put ice-bag on your head for headache relief.

Never neglect a cold or a flu because it may result into a serious disease of the lungs (pneumonia) caused in most cases by an organism called pneumonococcus.
