The Habit of SMOKING

It pains my heart whenever I see children of today's generation puff a stick of cigarette and hide it behind them whenever people come around.

One of the most prominent vices nowadays aside from drinking (fuertes liquores) or hard liqours is SMOKING.

Smoking is habitual. I mysellf am a living witness to the habit formation that smoking had brought into my life. Yes, I admit that I was once a smoker. Once you start a stick, eventually you will crave to puff more and more until such time that you would realize that smoking is already a part of every second in your life. It's as if that you are going to die without it.
Let's take children, as an instance, that at their very young age, they would engage in such a vice. Who's to blame? What will happen to them when they reach the age of 20 or 30? There is a greater chance that they will experience lung cancer.

It has been scientifically proven that a stick of cigarette increases the risk of dying early. This also means that a smoker deprives himself of other wonderful opportunities that he will have to encounter if he's going to live longer.

Hence, take away the habit of SMOKING in your system: LIVE LONGER, LIVE HEALTHIER and ENJOY the GIFT OF LIFE which we must all care.

From: G.L. Atienza (Smoker)
