Once there is an unpleasent smell in your feet, that is a symptom of having foot odor. The growth of bacteria that will produce bad smelling substance on the feet, cheap shoes, or eating meat.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Always wash and make your feet clean and dry. Scrub gently with a soft brush, including between the toes.
2. To help keep dry, put talcum powder.
3. Change your socks often, several time a day if necessary.
4. Some find help in wearing two pairs of socks at a time. This increases the elimination of sweat.
5. Soak your feet (15 minutes, twice a week) in 1/2 cup vinegar added to 1 quart of water.
6. Soak them in alternate hot or cold water. DON'T do this if you are diabetic or have impaired circulation.
7. Sprinkle some dry, crumbled sage leaves into your shoes, to control odor.
8. Buy or use leather shoes. This reduces perspiration. Avoid rubber or synthetic shoes. They cause your feet to smell like rubber tires at the end of the day--yet the odor is not from the feet! Even expensive rubber shoes, "endorsed by the athletes," can do this.
9. Do not use antiperspirants. They contain aluminum (a cause for Alzheimer's disease).Spray deodorants are breathed into the lungs.
10. Avoid spicy, pungent foods. The odor will be found in your feet later on.
11. Avoid stress. It increases sweating, which multiplies bacterial action.
Once there is an unpleasent smell in your feet, that is a symptom of having foot odor. The growth of bacteria that will produce bad smelling substance on the feet, cheap shoes, or eating meat.
Here's what you need to do:
1. Always wash and make your feet clean and dry. Scrub gently with a soft brush, including between the toes.
2. To help keep dry, put talcum powder.
3. Change your socks often, several time a day if necessary.
4. Some find help in wearing two pairs of socks at a time. This increases the elimination of sweat.
5. Soak your feet (15 minutes, twice a week) in 1/2 cup vinegar added to 1 quart of water.
6. Soak them in alternate hot or cold water. DON'T do this if you are diabetic or have impaired circulation.
7. Sprinkle some dry, crumbled sage leaves into your shoes, to control odor.
8. Buy or use leather shoes. This reduces perspiration. Avoid rubber or synthetic shoes. They cause your feet to smell like rubber tires at the end of the day--yet the odor is not from the feet! Even expensive rubber shoes, "endorsed by the athletes," can do this.
9. Do not use antiperspirants. They contain aluminum (a cause for Alzheimer's disease).Spray deodorants are breathed into the lungs.
10. Avoid spicy, pungent foods. The odor will be found in your feet later on.
11. Avoid stress. It increases sweating, which multiplies bacterial action.