9 Tips For People With High Blood Pressure

1. Always walk, NEVER run on the stairways of high-rise building.
2. Try to get a nap twice a day. Short nap is okay.
3. Take five light meals a day, even if it is a short one.
4. Quit before you become tired.
5. Reduce or STOP your daily coffee and cigarette consumption.
6. Avoid heated arguments.
7. Try to go to bed before midnight as regularly as possible.
8. A little light outdoor exercise daily will be beneficial.
9. Reduce your weight. Be weight concious.

Medically known as hypertension, high blood pressure is a disease or condition which is directly caused by a spasm - or narrowing - of small blood vessels throughout the body. This narrowing makes the heart work harder to push the blood vessels; hence, the pressure of the blood to get through the blood vessels must rise in proportion to the work increase. If high blood pressure persists and if the increased work is great enough, the result would be a gradual enlargement of the heart.

These will help prevent heart disease:

1. Weight control
2. Proper diet.
3. Control of undue emotional stress or stain.
4. Reduced salt consumption.
5. Judicious and intelligent use of both proper and individually callibrated exercise, and the amount of rest and frequency of rest periods needed, plus the correction of body defects.
