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– is an inflammatory skin condition characterized by clogged pores, blackheads, and pimples. It is perhaps the most common among skin ailments that largely affect about 85% of people between the ages of 12 to 24. But it is universal, it can affect people of any race….The most common area for acne is the so - called “T zone” of the face. This includes the forehead, the nose, and the chin… Although acne may also appear on the cheeks and other parts of the face. Second it may appear on the back, neck, chest, and the shoulders…Acne can be a problem for many individual because it really affects appearance and self image. With acne, it brings the feelings of depression, self-confidence, anger and frustration to many. Types of Acne:
- Acne vulgaris- most common type that can cause first blackheads that occur in blocked pores. Sebum, dead cells and bacteria are draining slowly from the skin and the black color which is cause by pigments in the skin that expose to air. It can take a long time to clear up. Second, whiteheads which are contained beneath skins surface. This is cause by blocked pores which trap sebum, dead cells and bacteria. Third are papules that are red bumps on skin surface. This can cause irritation and never touch them or squeeze for it may cause scarring. Pustules it the forth that what most people call pimples. It appears as a red circle with white or yellow center. Fifth in the nodules, this is much larger than other forms of acne. They are hard lumps which can be found underneath skin surface. It can be painful and last for several months. This type is advisable to be check or treated by a dermatologist. Lastly are the cysts, which is similar to nodules except that they are filled with pus. This is painful too and can cause scar if not treated.
- Acne conglobata- rare type of acne but this is extremely disfiguring and can cause psychological as well as physical suffering. Large lesions are present on the affected area and can be accompanied by numerous blackheads. This can cause skin damage and permanent scarring and condition last for several years.
- Acne fulminans- is a sudden appearance of acne conglobata accompanied with fever and aching of the joints. This is usually treated with oral steroids.
- Gram-Negative Folliculitis – This type may be cause by long-term treatment with antibiotics. It is a bacterial infection which causes pustules and cysts.
- Pyoderma faciale – This is only affects females between 20 to 40 years of age. Most often occurs in women who never experience acne before and usually clears up with in a year.
- Acne Rosacea – This type of acne usually affects people over 30 years of age. It causes red rash on the affected areas. There may also be pimples and skin blemishes. It is a different form of acne than acne vulgaris and treatment is different for the two types.
- Acne Inversa – known as Hidradenitis Suppurativa, this is the most difficult and painful, boil-like abscesses manifest in inverse areas of the body like groin, armpits, and breast, places were skin touches skin. Abscesses are usually deep, large, painful and very hard to heal.